Middle School Programs
We offer a number of programs at the middle and high school levels to enhance student learning and experience. To view those programs, please see the navigation menu on this page.
English Language Arts
District 62 believes that literacy acquisition is a complex, interactive process of using essential skills and strategies to construct meaning in spoken and written communication.
The mathematics curriculum empowers students with the necessary confidence and skills for solving problems in everyday life.
The District 62 Science Curriculum is focused on scientific inquiry to understand the natural world. Classroom experiences will consist of active engagement in inquiries that are interesting and meaningful to students.
Special Education Resource Program
Instructional Skills Program
Social Studies
It is School District 62’s philosophy and belief that the discipline of Social Studies prepares students to participate in community affairs within a global society.
PE & Health
The mission of the Des Plaines Elementary School District 62 Physical Education Department is to utilize community assets and promote all students to achieve and pursue a lifetime of:
Fine Arts
The Fine Arts—dance, drama, music, and visual arts—are fundamental ways of knowing and thinking. In addition to their intrinsic value, the arts contribute to children’s development.
Special Education Co-Taught Program
The purpose of the School District 62 interscholastic and intramural sports program is to extend the school day by providing opportunities for students to explore and develop their individual talents, interests, and abilities, Coaches and student participants are encouraged to display fairness, sportsmanship, and respect to each other and toward other teams.
School District 62 maintains that its representatives set a good and fair example for our community.
In STEM courses, students will learn about and engage in activities supporting the following areas of study through Project Lead the Way (PLTW).
In Family and Consumer Science (FACS) courses, students will learn about and engage in activities supporting the following areas of study.
Behavioral and Emotional Supported Teaching (BEST)
The purpose of the BEST Program is to support students in kindergarten through eighth grade who display significant behavior or emotional issues that interfere with their school achievement, classroom behavior, social skills, and/or relationships with others. BEST supports students whose behavior profiles demonstrate an inability to participate in general education settings without intensive adult support.
The purpose of the BEST Program is to support District 62 students in Kindergarten through eighth grade who struggle to maintain emotional regulation in the school setting. Students referred to the BEST program typically display challenging behaviors that interfere with their school achievement, ability to follow classroom expectations, expression of social skills, and/or the ability to maintain relationships with others. BEST student’s require frequent and intensive adult support as it relates to social and emotional competencies.
Program Goals
- To assist students in acquiring, building, and maintaining social- emotional competencies.
- To provide academic instruction and support in the special education and general education settings to maximize academic achievement.
- To provide intensive behavior structures, monitor individualized data, and respond to the individualized needs of the students using therapeutic interventions in the school setting.
- To provide case management that facilitates students’ integration into the least restrictive environment.
Entrance Guidance
- Data that documents a history of school problems related to behavior and/or emotional issues that are having a direct and adverse impact on the child’s ability to make adequate educational progress and/or the classroom learning environment. The student’s needs are significantly different from the needs of typical peers and of an intensity or type that exceed general education resources.
- Implemented Functional Behavior Assessment and behavior interventions developed and implemented over time demonstrates a lack of progress.
- Evaluation tools including a FBA, rating scales, intervention data, and interviews indicate that the student’s needs cannot be met within the general education setting.
- Special education evaluation and eligibilities indicate the presence of an emotional disability or other health impairment.
Exit Guidance
- A student may exit the BEST program based upon the IEP team’s determination that a different program would better address the student’s needs.
- A student will exit the BEST program upon the determination that he/she is no longer eligible for special education services.
Structured Teaching Education Program (STEP) 1
Structured Teaching Education Program (STEP) 2
Educational Life Skills (ELS)
A cross-categorical, small group instructional program for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. The program is designed to meet the needs of students who have mild to severe cognitive abilities and who require a curriculum that focuses on adapted academics and functional life skills. Instructional supports provided in this program focus on a modified curriculum from the Dynamic Learning Maps Essential Elements. The educational life skills program utilizes a variety of research based methods to provide each student with an individualized program in a classroom setting.
These evidence based methods include, but are not limited to: applied behavior analysis (task analysis, forward/backward chaining, shaping, discrete trial, and antecedent support), naturalistic teaching, schedules, structured teaching, augmentative and alternative communication support, core vocabulary, sensory regulation, behavior supports and social skills training.
Related therapies such as speech/language, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and social work are integrated within the classroom structure in addition to small and individual sessions. Students are provided the opportunity to learn and socialize with their general education peers through participation in academic or non-academic classes, or through peer programs facilitated by the program or school as appropriate.
Program Goals
- To develop language as well as communication, social, and leisure skills
- To foster independence and self care
- To gain functional academic skills
- To provide community access and develop pre-vocational skills
Entrance Guidance
- A student is significantly below average and maintains general intellectual functioning.
- A student has significant deficits in adaptive behavior.
- Evaluation and special education eligibilities indicate the presence of an intellectual disability, and/or multiple disabilities.
Exit Guidance
- A student may exit the ELS program based upon the IEP team’s determination that another program would better address the student’s needs.
- A student will exit the ELS program upon the determination that he/she is no longer eligible for special education services.