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CCSD62 Board of Education

Photo of the CCSD62 Board of Education standing in the ELC office

Board of Education Members

From the left:

Elizabeth Massa, Vice President

Elizabeth Morley, Member

Jeanette Weller, Member

Ronald Burton, President


Tina Garrett, Member

Gene Haring, Member

Stephanie Duckmann, Member


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    Dr. Michael Amadei, Superintendent of Schools

    Mark Bertolozzi, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services

    Kathleen Kelly Colgan, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources

    Amy Cengel, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services

    Dr. Ramona DeCristofaro, Interim Assistant Superintendent for Student Services

    Adam Denenberg, Chief Technology Officer

    Jennifer Tempest Bova, Director of Community Relations

    Heidi Rudy, Director of Student Services

    Colin Baer, Director of Social Emotional Learning

    Elizabeth Juskiewicz, Director for Second Language Learners' Programs

    Michael Vilendrer, Director of Operations, Maintenance and Transportation



    Dr. Julie Fogarty, Director of Curriculum 

    Heidi Rudy, Director of Student Services

    Christina Bowman, Curriculum Coordinator

    Jill Dzik, Student Services Coordinator

    Benjamin Keele, Student Services Coordinator

    Angela Riggio, Early Childhood Student Services Coordinator

    Maggie SartiStudent Services Coordinator

    Brandon SchaeferStudent Services Coordinator

    Katerina VaselopulosStudent Services Coordinator

    Anel Escamilla, English Learner Coordinator

    Electra Giannakopoulos, English Learner Coordinator

    Karina Paul, English Learner Coordinator

    Erica Tae, English Learner Coordinator

    Schools & Buildings

    Leon Smaage Administration Center
    777 East Algonquin Road
    Des Plaines, IL 60016
    (847) 824-1205
    FAX: 847-824-0612
    767 East Algonquin Road
    Des Plaines, IL 60016
    Donald Jones, Principal
    Patty Tzortzis, Assistant Principal
    (847) 824-1205
    FAX: 847-824-1270
    central elementary SCHOOL
    1526 East Thacker Street
    Des Plaines, IL 60016
    Erica Cupuro, Principal
    (847) 824-1575
    FAX: 847-824-1656
    chippewa MIDDLE SCHOOL
    123 North 8th Avenue
    Des Plaines, IL 60016
    Juliana Vissering, Principal
    Lorence Reid, Assistant Principal
    (847) 824-1503
    FAX: 847-824-1514
    cumberland elementary SCHOOL
    700 East Golf Road
    Des Plaines, IL 60016
    Marc Infante, Principal
    Costantina Mazzone, Assistant Principal
    (847) 824-1451
    FAX: 847-824-0724
    Forest elementary SCHOOL
    1375 South 5th Avenue
    Des Plaines, IL 60018
    Amber Soike, Principal
    Traci Reiner, Assistant Principal
    (847) 824-1380
    FAX: 847-824-1732
    iroquois community SCHOOL
    1836 East Touhy Avenue
    Des Plaines, IL 60018
    Kelly Krueger, Principal
    John Rey, Assistant Principal
    (847) 824-1308
    FAX: 847-824-1310
    North Elementary school
    1789 Rand Road
    Des Plaines, IL 60016
    Carolyn Allar, Principal
    Ashley Patterson, Assistant Principal
    (847) 824-1399
    FAX: 847-824-1768
    Orchard place elementary school
    2727 Maple Street
    Des Plaines, IL 60018
    Jennifer Suarez Bautista, Principal
    (847) 824-1255
    FAX: 847-824-1752
    plainfield elementary SCHOOL
    11850 Plainfield Drive
    Des Plaines, IL 60018
    Dr. Lisa Carlos, Principal
    (847) 824-1301
    FAX: 847-824-1547
    South elementary SCHOOL
    1535 Everett Avenue
    Des Plaines, IL 60018
    Kristin Jares, Principal
    (847) 824-1566
    FAX: 847-824-1759
    terrace elementary SCHOOL
    735 South Westgate Road
    Des Plaines, IL 60016
    Dr. Bradley Stein, Principal
    (847) 824-1501
    FAX: 847-824-1764
    Jane l. westerhold early learning center
    Xrisovalantou Garbis, Principal
    Taylor Ivan, Assistant Principal
    1375 South 5th Avenue
    Des Plaines, IL 60018
    (847) 824-1065
    FAX: 847-824-8225
    Maintenance Building
    525 South River Road
    Des Plaines, IL 60016
    Michael Vilendrer, Director of Operations, Maintenance and Transportation
    (847) 824-1606
    FAX: 847-824-1612


    Community Consolidated School District 62 revises this Student Handbook annually; however, changes in School Board Policy may occur throughout the year. The most current district board policies are available online.
    To access these searchable policies, please go to CCSD62 Board Docs and click the School Board Policies tab.