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Parent University 2024: Full Steam Ahead!

Parent University 2024: Full Steam Ahead!

Parent University 2024 was a success!

Parent University is a two-week program designed for District 62's English Learner (EL) families.

The program provides a space for parents to learn and socialize with each other while students are engaged in meaningful activities with teachers.

Some of the parent sessions and student learning activities were related to this year's theme "Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead!"

Parent sessions included community members and staff conducting ESL classes, guided art projects and sharing of information on how to establish and improve credit.

We also had two amazing field trips to Mystic Waters Aquatic Center and the Museum of Science and Industry.

More than 80 students and their parents attended the program throughout the two weeks!

Thank you to everyone who attended and all those who helped make this year's Parent University a success! 


  • CCSD62