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Cook County Judge Visits AMS

Cook County Judge Visits AMS

Cook County Judge Sharon Kanter visited Algonquin Middle School recently to talk to students about the US court system and her role as a judge.

Kanter is an associate judge on the Cook Judicial Circuit Court and serves out of the Skokie Courthouse.

She was a Cook County Assistant State's Attorney for more than 28 years and is also an Adjunct Professor at Oakton College, specializing in Laws of Evidence and Criminal Procedure. 

Kanter has strong ties to District 62, as she is married to Algonquin Art Teacher Howard Kanter, and is the mother of Chippewa Middle School Art Teacher Carli Kanter. 

She spoke to the students about how she became a judge and all of the various job opportunities in her field.

She also took that time to answer the many great questions that students had.

A key component of Kanter's message was that everyone can make a difference, just by being kind.

  • Algonquin