Setting Direction
The Setting Direction Retreat provides an opportunity for the Strategic Plan Team to make a decision related to the goals and high-leverage strategies.
Setting Direction Materials
- Overview
- Agenda
- Participant Handout
- Table Assignments
- Stakeholder Interviews
- Current Goals
- Article Assignment
How will you get from where you are to where you want to be?
What will everyone do differently to get improved results? What research-based strategies will everyone implement with fidelity? How will what we do drive professional development planning and implementation? How will what we do drive the use of district resources?
Outcomes: The Setting Direction Retreat provides an opportunity for the Strategic Plan Team to make decisions related to goals and high-leverage strategies. What are the Priorities?
- Examine current long-range goals.
- Establish future long-range goals.
- Preview Key Performance Indicators for current long-range goals.
- Provide input into Key Performance Indicators for future long range goals.
- Identify high-leverage strategies to focus district work for the duration of the plan.
- Prioritize high-leverage strategies.
- Align high-leverage strategies to the future long-range goals.
Time Allocation: 6 hours (usually from 8:00-3:00 p.m. during the work day). Usually 3-4 weeks following the Vision Retreat Meeting.
Product: The Setting Direction Retreat allows the Strategic Plan Team to identify and prioritize critical goals and strategies to move the district closer to achieving its mission and vision. The Strategic Plan Draft describes provides a first look at the new, evolving strategic plan and answers the question, “What will we do to move us from where we are to where we need to be to achieve our mission and vision?”
The Strategic Plan Draft is then shared with stakeholder groups between the Setting Direction Retreat and the Final Meeting of the Plan team to solicit feedback. The feedback is reviewed at the last meeting of the team.
District Responsibilities:
- The district assists CEC in collecting and organizing the feedback from stakeholders for the plan team review of the Preferred Future Statement.
- The district will assist CEC in the first draft of Key Performance Indicators.
- The district will ensure that any major projects that are currently unfinished are incorporated into the discuss of high-leverage strategies.
Setting direction retreat agenda
When: December 19, 2023
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Outcome | Activity | Facilitator/Time |
Welcome and Purpose Answer the question:
How will we get from where we are to where we want to be?
Welcome and "Why we are here." Set outcomes for the Setting Direction Retreat. Review roles and responsibilities. |
Michael Amadei
5 Minutes
Perry Soldwedel
CEC Facilitator
10 Minutes
Reflect on Preferred Future Statement Answer the question:
What changes do we want to make to the mission, vision, portraits and core values?
Activity One: Review our prior work on the Preferred Future Statement from the Vision Retreat. Share feedback from students and teachers from the Portrait Activity. Consider additions, deletions and/or refinements in the draft of the Preferred Future Statement. Share table team findings. |
Perry Soldwedel CEC Facilitator 75 Minutes |
Draft Long-range Goals Answer the question:
How can we improve upon current long-range district goals?
Activity Two Part A: Review current long-range themes/goals. Consider revisions to goals. Draft Long-range Goal statements
Perry Soldwedel CED Facilitator 45-minutes
Consider SMART Goals: Goals, Indicators, Measures and Targets. Answer the question:
Why is it important that strategic plan goals have leading and lagging measures and targets?
Activity Two Part B: Learn about what makes a goal SMART and the importance of Key Performance Indicators, Measures, and Targets. Discuss Tools for Schools: Work Smarter Not Harder. Discuss Key Performance Indicators. |
Perry Soldwedel CED Facilitator 30-minutes |
Key Performance Indicators Answer the question:
What feedback might we offer toward Key Performance Indicators and Measures of Success?
Activity Two Part C: Provide feedback on POSSIBLE goal indicators and measures to be used to measure, progress monitor, and repot performance of the long-range goals. Discuss Redefining read. |
Perry Soldwedel CED Facilitator 45-minutes |
Understanding the relationship between Goals and Strategies Answer the question:
What is the difference between a goal and a strategy?
Activity Three: Discuss the difference between a gaol and a strategy. Learn about College, Career, and Life Readiness Standards. View examples of goals and aligned strategies. |
Perry Soldwedel CED Facilitator 45-minutes |
LUNCH | ||
Draft Strategies for each Long-range Goal Answer the question: What did we learn from our SWOT analysis and from our Preferred Future Statement that are the critical gaps (strategies) that need attention to move us closer to our Vision? What remains unfinished and critical from the current plan? |
Activity Four Part A: Reflect on SWOT analysis and Preferred Future Vision Statement to identify most urgent strategies for action. Identify 10-12 strategies that are the most urgent to address that if addressed will move the district toward further accomplishment of its preferred future mission, vision, values/commitments and goals. |
Perry Soldwedel CEC Facilitator 60 Minutes |
Move toward a consensus list of strategies. Answer the question:
What strategies seem to be consistent from table team to table team? How many are there? Do we need to prioritize?
Activity Four Part B: Examine the strategies identified by all table teams. Look for those strategies consistently identified. |
Perry Soldwedel CEC Facilitator 30 Minutes |
Preview Next Steps and Final Meeting Outcomes. Answer the question:
What will we do at our final meeting?
Preview the agenda for the Final Meeting of the Plan Team. Understand what will be done between now and our next session to seek feedback from stakeholders. Reflect on the Day |
Perry Soldwedel
CEC Facilitator
20 Minutes
Michael Amadei
15 Minutes
ADJOURN - 3:30 PM |
Participant Handout
Table Assignments
Stakeholder Interviews
Current Goals
GOAL: WORLD CLASS EDUCATION Engage all students in learning that leads to academic growth, achievement, and readiness for high school, college, career, and life. Choose this current goal statement or select one you like better in the examples provided to the right. You can also write your own. |
GOAL: LEARNING CENTERED ENVIRONMENT & SUPPORTS Provide personal support to each student to develop the skills and confidence to be self-sufficient learners. Choose this current goal statement or select one you like better in the examples provided to the right. You can also write your own. |
GOAL: WORLD’S BEST WORKFORCE Provide personal support to each staff member to develop the skills and confidence to be innovative, exemplary, and visionary leaders of the district and their profession. Choose this current goal statement or select one you like better in the examples provided to the right. You can also write your own. |
STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Engage families and the community as partners to support student success. Choose this current goal statement or select one you like better in the examples provided to the right. You can also write your own. |
STRATEGIC RESOURCES Effectively, efficiently, and equitably manage the district's facilities and financial resources. Choose this current goal statement or select one you like better in the examples provided to the right. You can also write your own. |
Article Assignment
Additional Setting Direction Materials
- Alignment of SWOT to Goals
- Suggested Key Performance Indicators
- Community Consolidated School District 62 Final SWOT Analysis
- Preferred Future Statement
- Community Consolidated School District 62 Strategies
Alignment of SWOT to Goals
Goal | SWOT Findings |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Suggested Key Performance Indicators
Goal: World Class Education |
Goal: Learning Centered Environment & Supports |
Goal: World's Best Workforce |
Strategic Partnerships |
Strategic Resources |
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Community Consolidated School District 62 Final SWOT Analysis
View, Print or Download the Document (2 pageS)
Preferred Future Statement
Community Consolidated School District 62
DRAFT Preferred Future Statement
MISSION Empower future-ready learners through educational equity and excellence.
VISION - North Star Remove barriers, provide opportunities, and ensure student success for high school, college, careers, and life. |
MOTTO Ignite Curiosity. Instill Compassion. Inspire Courage. |
Learner Portrait
Education Portrait
System Portrait
Empathy & Trusting Relationships Safety & Well-being Diversity & Inclusion Relevancy & Readiness |
Curiosity & Innovation Equity & Accountability Collaboration & Communication Continuous Improvement & Stewardship |
View, Print or Download the Document (1 Page)
Community Consolidated School District 62 Strategies
Current Strategies for each Long-Range Goal. |
Ideas for Change from the SWOT, Preferred Future Statement, and other information. S = from Swot P = from Preferred Future Statement O = Other |
New Strategies for Consideration Identified The Issues/Challenges that need to be addressed to move the district to better achieve its mission and vision? |
GOAL: 1 World Class Education Current Strategies for each Long-Range Goal. Personalize learning by providing a system of instructional interventions and enrichments to ensure achievement gaps close and that each student demonstrates growth and improvement in their learning. Expand PreK-2 early learning options to increase the number of students demonstrating readiness for kindergarten and to set expectations for students to be reading at grade level by the end of second grade. Improve transition from elementary to middle to high school through the development of a personalized pathway/portfolio that can be monitored, reported, and adjusted annually to ensure progress toward college, career, and life readiness. |
GOAL: 2 LEARNING CENTERED ENVIRONMENT & SUPPORTS Increase opportunities for student voice, engagement, and responsibility in being an active participant in their learning. Continuously enhance student social, emotional, and health needs. Explore unique student and family choice options for delivery of services: PreK-8, year-round, dual language, multi-grade, STEM, and other. |
5. Operationalize a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) providing a continuum of programs and services for academics and social emotional behaviors. 6. Address student satisfaction in all areas where it has been identified as in need of attention through annual surveys. 7. Demonstrate success in increasing opportunities for student voice, engagement, and responsibility in being active participants in their learning through a tracked personalized pathway system. 8. Continue to ensure the learning and teaching environment is safe, secure, nurturing, equitable and inclusive. |
GOAL: 3 WORLD’S BEST WORKFORCE Provide opportunities for staff voice, engagement, and input into critical decisions that lead to improved collaboration, articulation, professional development, and system coherence. Build trust, confidence, support, and relationships within the work environment to impact staff health and wellbeing. Assist staff identify, use, and reflect on key data sources to monitor and report progress and drive instructional decisions. |
9. Address certified and support staff satisfaction in all areas where it has been identified as in need of attention through annual surveys. 10. In recruitment and hiring decisions, prepare for staffing shortages, state certification barriers, and changing staff demographics reflecting student demographics. 11. Impact staff health and well-being through social, emotional, and physical challenges. 12. Enhance commitment from staff to the new strategic plan, align expectations to the Educator Portrait, and align behaviors to the core values. |
GOAL: STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Improve communication and collaboration with families and the community through clear expectations, engagement, Input, and ownership. Partner with community businesses, agencies, and other organizations to further student and staff learning and provide both career and workplace resources and experiences. |
13. Address family satisfaction in all areas where it has been identified as in need of attention through annual surveys to engage families as partners in the student’s education. 14. Address the changing needs of families through belonging, newcomers to the district, mobility, multi-languages spoken, and/or declining trust and respect for public education. 15. Ensure a healthy partnership between District 62 and District 207. 16. Ensure a heathy partnership between District 62 and the community to further student and staff learning and provide both career and workplace resources and experiences. |
GOAL: STRATEGIC RESOURCES Equitably allocate resources to meet the needs of all students and ensure the district continuously improves. Guarantee all facilities are safe, equitable, and optimal for 21st century teaching and learning. |
17. Address space and class size inconsistencies across the district, while ensuring facilities are safe, clean, well maintained, and optimal for 21st century teaching and learning. 18. Continue to equitably allocate resources to meet the needs of all students and ensure the district continuously improves. 19. Enhance the use of technology as a tool to further teaching and learning. 20. Influence federal, state, and local legislation to maintain the historical sound financial picture of the district. |