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District 62 Use of Behavioral Interventions for Students Receiving Special Education Services

The purpose of this communication is to provide an overview of the use of behavioral interventions for students with disabilities in accordance with the requirements of Title 23 of the Illinois Administrative Code and School Board Policy 7:230, Misconduct by Students with Disabilities. Pursuant to Board Policy 7:230, “[b]ehavioral interventions shall be used with students with disabilities to promote and strengthen desirable behaviors and reduce identified inappropriate behaviors.

The School Board will establish and maintain a committee to develop, implement, and monitor procedures on the use of behavioral interventions for children with disabilities.”

As it relates to the discipline of students with disabilities the same policy states “the District shall comply with the Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 and the Illinois State Board of Education’s Special Education rules when disciplining special education students. No special education student shall be expelled if the student’s particular act of gross disobedience or misconduct is a manifestation of his or her disability.”

These procedures are based upon Sections 1.280 (Discipline) and 1.285 (Requirements for the Use of Isolated Time Out and Physical Restraint) of Title 23 of the Illinois Administrative Code and Sections 5/10-20.33, 5/34-18.20 of the Illinois School Code.

I. Behavior Intervention Plan

A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) must be developed by the IEP team for students whose behaviors impact their learning and who require the use of systemic and restrictive interventions.

A BIP may also be drafted for any student who receives special education services who is: (1) suspended for more than 10 days in a school year, (2) recommended for expulsion, and/or (3) referred to a 45-school day interim alternative placement.

Components of the plan must be based on information obtained in the Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA). An FBA is an assessment process that includes collection of data regarding a student’s target behavior relative to its antecedents and consequences, controlling variables, and communicative and functional intent of the behavior as well as the student’s strengths.

It is used to develop behavioral interventions and positive supports.

For students whose behaviors warrant a Behavior Intervention Plan, the following components are to be included as part of the plan:

A. A description of the target behavior, including whether the behavior is a skill deficit or a performance deficit, and data
on the intensity, frequency, and duration of the behavior;

B. A description of the student’s behavioral strengths;
C. A hypothesis of the function of the student’s behavior (e.g., what desired thing(s) is the student trying to get or what undesired
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thing(s) is the student trying to avoid?);

D. A description of previous interventions attempted (including any environmental changes made, evaluations conducted,
instructional strategies or curriculum changes made, or replacement behaviors taught);

E. A description of the replacement behaviors desired (e.g., the new behaviors or skills that will be taught to meet the identified
function of the target behavior);

F. A description of the settings in which the behaviors occur and an analysis of antecedents to
and consequences of the behavior;

G. A description of other environmental factors that may affect the student’s behavior (i.e., medications, medical
conditions, sleep, diet, schedule, social factors);

H. A description of the instruction/and or curriculum that will be used to address the student’s behavior;

I. A detailed description of positive and non-restrictive interventions and motivators and/or rewards to be used to
address target behavior in all environments;

J. A detailed description of restrictive interventions to be used;

K. A description of the crisis place to be used in emergency situations;

L. A description of the data collection procedures and methods;

M. The method used to evaluate the plan;

N. A list of personnel involved in the implementation and monitoring of the plan;

O. A description of coordinating intervention efforts, if any, with parent(s)/guardian(s)

II. Types of Intervention Strategies

The selection of intervention strategies for use with each student shall be based on the information derived from the FBA. While positive behavioral intervention approaches alone will not always succeed in managing inappropriate behavior, the use of more restrictive behavior interventions should be used sparingly and approached with caution.

Most student behaviors that do not contribute to a safe learning environment can be addressed through nonrestrictive interventions and positive behavioral supports.

The specific strategies employed for each student shall be based on the student’s specific disabilities
and needs as described in their IEP, 504 Plans, and/or accompanying documentation. Staff should consider a continuum of possible interventions designed to produce the desired behavioral change in light of the student’s individual circumstances.

The least restrictive intervention or support that is reasonably calculated to produce the desired outcome should be chosen.

Behavioral interventions shall be categorized into four levels of restrictiveness:

When evaluating an intervention for potential use, the impact of the intervention on the student’s physical freedom, social interaction, personal dignity, and privacy will be carefully considered.

When monitoring the effectiveness of the BIP, IEP or 504 Plan team members will make every effort to plan for generalization and maintenance of skills across settings. Interventions will be evaluated by teachers, parents, and other stakeholders involved in the intervention on a regular basis, utilizing baseline data and ongoing progress monitoring.

III. Isolated Time Out, Time Out, and Physical Restraint

Isolated time out, time out, and physical restraint may only be used when a student’s behavior presents an imminent danger of serious
physical harm to the student or others and less restrictive and intrusive measures have been tried and proven ineffective in stopping

1. Physical restraint does not include “momentary periods of physical restriction by direct person-to-person contact without the aid of
material or mechanical devices, accomplished with limited force and designed to prevent a student from completing an act which would
result in potential physical harm to him/herself or property.”

2. Mechanical restraint is the use of any device or equipment to limit a student’s movement or hold a student immobile. This does not
include restraint used to: (1) treat a student’s medical needs; (2) protect a student known to be at risk of injury resulting from lack of
coordination or frequent loss of consciousness; (3) position a student with physical disabilities in a manner specified in the IEP, 504 Plan,
or other plan of care; (4) promote student safety in vehicles used to transport student pursuant to 23 Illinois Admin. Code 1.285(d)(12);
and (5) provide

3. Chemical restraint is the use of medication to control a student’s behavior or restrict a student’s freedom of movement. It does not
include medication that is legally prescribed and administered as part of the student’s regular medical regimen.

4. Prone restraint is a physical restraint in which a student is held face down on the floor or other surface and physical pressure is applied to
the student’s body to keep the student in the prone position.

The imminent danger of serious physical harm, and there is no known medical contraindication to their use on the student. These
interventions may never be used as discipline or punishment, for the convenience of staff, retaliation, to prevent property damage, or as a substitute for appropriate educational/behavioral support. School staff members applying the use of time out, isolated time out, or physical restraint on a student must be trained in its safe application.

IV. Physical Restraint

V. Documentation and Evaluation of Isolated Time Out and Physical Restraint


VII. Parent Notification

All parents and guardians of students eligible for special education services must be provided a copy of the District 62 Behavioral Guidelines upon enrollment in the District, initial eligibility for special education services, and annually thereafter.

In the event that a student is subject to timeout, isolated, timeout, or physical restraint, the district should take the following actions:

  1. On the same day, make a reasonable attempt to notify the student’s parent/guardian.
  2. Within 1 business day, send the ISBE Physical Restraint and Time Out Form (Form 11-01) to the parent/guardian.
  3. No later than 2 school days after the event, notify the parent/guardian of the right to request a meeting to discuss the incident.
    • a. If a parent/guardian fails to request a meeting within 10 school days after the school has provided documents to the
  4. parent/guardian or if a parent/guardian fails to attend a requested meeting, that shall be documented in the student’s school records.
  5. If a parent requests a meeting, hold the meeting, separate from an IEP or Section 504 meeting, within 2 school days of the request.
  6. After the meeting, add a summary of the meeting and any agreements or conclusions reached during the meeting to the student’s school record, and send a copy of the documents to the student’s parent or guardian within a reasonable time.

As a reminder, parents and/or guardians will have the right to be actively involved in the development of any behavior support plan utilizing restrictive procedures.

This includes the right to receive written notification of the development of any behavior support plan and a copy of the plan.

All procedural safeguards, including rights to conflict resolution, mediation, and an impartial due process hearing, as required through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act and the Illinois School Code, will be applicable to the resolution of disputes involving behavior intervention plans. If a parent/guardian disagrees with a proposed restrictive behavior intervention or any aspect of the implementation of a restrictive intervention, the District will coordinate with the parent/guardian to attempt resolution of the dispute