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FAQs About EL Programs

Photo of students sitting on the carpet looking at their teacher

School District 62 is committed to providing a high quality English Learner (EL) program that values a student’s native language and culture to accelerate the acquisition of linguistic, academic and social/cultural success in a diverse society. 

Goal: To provide students with the academic and language skills needed to meet or exceed achievement standards.

Photo of students sitting on the carpet in class
young girl listening in class
Photo of a student coloring in class.

How do you qualify for services? 

Parents fill out the Home Language Survey at the time of registration. If a language other than English is reported to be present in the home or is the student’s first language, the student will be screened with the state's required English language assessment, the WIDA Screener. 

Can parents refuse screening assessment? 

No. The state requires testing to be done per the information reported on the Home Language Survey. 

Can parents refuse EL services? 

If the student qualifies for EL services, parents may withdraw their child immediately from the program by sending a letter indicating their desire to the school or to the school district. However, students will still participate in the annual state mandated English proficiency assessment, ACCESS, until they meet exit criteria. 

What is the EL Exit Criteria? 

Exit Criteria is determined by the Illinois State Board of Education. The criteria is an overall composite score of 4.8.