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Photo of a student playing an instrument during band rehearsal

The District's academic program is based on consistent, standards-based curriculum and materials delivered with fidelity at the highest levels by skilled teachers.



Multi-tiered Systems of Support, MTSS, also often referred to as response to intervention (RTI), recognizes that academic and behavioral functioning are intertwined. MTSS describes the varying levels of support each student will access based on their academic and social-emotional learning needs.

All students participate in our core program of learning dedicated to high quality engagement with grade level learning standards, referred to as Tier 1.

MTSS can include positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS). According to Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL, 2019), SEL leads to beneficial outcomes related to: social and emotional skills, academic performance, mental wellness, healthy behaviors, school climate and safety, and lifetime outcomes.

Photo of a two students working on an iPad together.

Tier 2

Students who need extra support to learn grade level learning standards engage in that extra support, referred to as Tier 2.

Tier 3

Students who need intensive intervention to learn previous years' academic standards and/or students who are experiencing significant challenges in social and/or behavioral domains, engage in this intensive intervention, referred to as Tier 3.

The family/guardian will be notified if their child is participating in a Tier 3 intensive intervention.

Professional Learning